Monday, September 27, 2010

Water Powered Car

     I remember seeing a video about a car that was fueled entirely by water back in high school, so I decided to try and find that video once again.  I couldn't find the exact same video, but I found one very similar to it  With all of the technology and the rate that the world is increasing it's technological capabilities (especially the automotive industry), I think it is a matter of no time until we see more cars such as these that rely on water rather than fossil fuels. 
     With the only pollutant from the exhaust being CO2 and water vapor, it is only a matter of time before there is a global change in order to save the environment and the depleting fossil fuel reserves.  On a separate note, while further investigating the water propelled car, I found a website that states internal combustion engines fueled by water have been around for awhile, but the big oil companies have been trying to keep them under wraps in order to monopolize the fuel industry. 
     Whether or not this is true, I think the world is going in the right direction when it comes to new engines in the automobile industry.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Digital Technology and Inventions

     I recently came across this article  It states that the digital data processing technology had the highest number of applications for invention patents.  This statistic is for Taiwan, however, it reflects the increase in use of technology reflecting new and popular gadgets such as iPhones, iPads, internet technology, and so on.  I think this is very reassuring since I am an Information Systems Management major, and I deal a lot with technology. 
     It's a long shot, but I have hopes and aspirations of one day inventing a new business process or some sort of technology that will help hundreds (or even thousands) of people.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Music Organizational Problem

     Last summer, my computer crashed and I lost everything that I had saved on my hard drive, including my beloved iTunes account of over 12,000 songs.  Since then, I have purchased an external hard drive in order to back up all of my documents (especially my music), to make sure I won't lose all of my information in case my computer were to crash again.
     Last week, my computer froze and decided that it didn't want to open iTunes anymore...forcing me to unistall and reinstall the program for it to work again.  Luckily, like I mentioned earlier, I have learned from my previous mistakes and have kept my music backed up on my external hard drive.  However, while recently working with my external hard drive, I have noticed that my documents on my hard drive are not nearly as organized as I thought they would be.
     I have several different folders where I have backed up my music, and different folders for my Microsoft Office and video files as well.  I never knew it would be so hard to keep all of my files so organized...but it's been a real messing trying to find certain folders and files.  I wish there was a way to keep track of all the different documents which were arranged in an unorganized manner.
     As a Information Systems Management major, I have worked with different programs and technology that organize information in a clear and concise manner.  If there was a way to organize the jumble of tens of thousands of files and folders into an easily accesible arrangment, I feel that it would make computers and hard drives a lot easier to work with and understand. 
     Imagine having all of your folders in 20 different locations on your hard drive, and if there was a way to consolidate different music, document, or movie folders into a single location where the user wouldn't have to worry about duplicating, merging, or accidently deleting certain would make everyone's life a lot easier.  The technology and know how of how to do such a thing is definitely out's just a manner of time before someone makes it.