Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Organizing Electricity

    I just found out an article that discusses and invention used to clear up clutter from cords that are used for cell phone charges, computers, televisions, and so on (  Not only did I find this fascinating because it was invented in the town next to mine back home, but it made me look back on a theory that I thought of awhile ago to help clear up all of those annoying electrical cords.
     As a business major, I know absolutely nothing when it comes to electrical engineering, but a little while ago I began thinking about the concept of wifi and wireless internet.  If routers have the ability to transmit wireless signals so that users can still connect to the internet, what else can this theory be applied to?  And then it hit me...electricity.
     As I just mentioned, I know nothing about electrical engineering, and I don't even know if something like this is even feasible, but it would be fantastic.  No more having to work with surge protectors, or being limited by where the outlets are in your home.  With wireless electricity, you can put electronics wherever you want, and don't have to think twice about it.
     I'm sure a lot of you have seen the commercials about the new wireless phone charging decks, where you just place your phone on a pad and it automatically charges it.  Not only is that an awesome invention, but it could be a step in the right direction of wireless electricity.

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