Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Update on Smart Phones

     I just wrote a blog detailing how I believe smart phones will be seen as the latest and greatest invention from the computer, and after finding this article (, there is no doubt that this is true.
     This article describes how a company in Munich recently created a specific software for smart phones that can turn any smart phone into a smart card.  Basically what it does is act as a wireless link between your phone, and any computer or electronic device.  This brief quote will provide a quick summary of one of the actions it can complete: "Instead of using a USB stick or a plastic card in current access control systems – just keep your smart phone with you. Getting close to doors or to computers, it will authenticate the phone and let you access wirelessly."  This product also supports VPN clients, email, healthcare, and banking abilities, just to name a few.
     Seeing as how this product has been proven successful, and will soon be released for BlackBerry, Android, and Apple hardware, I am curious as to what other abilities this product will allow us to do in the near future.

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