Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Future Computers

     I have always had problems with my laptop.  Anything from crashes, to the monitor breaking, iTunes not working, I've pretty much seen it all.  I currently have a Dell, and I have decided that my next laptop purchase will be a Mac, because all of my friends who have Macs don't have any problems with their hardware.  But this thinking made me begin wondering about what sort of technology computers are going to embody in the future.
     I forgot where I heard it, but I remember hearing somewhere that in the future, computers will be the size of calculators, and will cost nearly nothing.  If you think about it, this is very possible.  The earliest calculator was the size of a massive room and cost millions of dollars, where as now calculators are tiny and are given out for free all over the place.  If we apply the same theory to laptops, I wonder if that means that future computers are going to be rendered something not special or exciting at all (when where you ever pumped up about receiving a free mini calculator at the career fair?).  Will these new mini computers become integrated in everything we encounter, like in Minority Report? 
     Whatever the future brings for new computers, I really hope that they are able to fix all of the bugs that I have been encountering because it sure is frustrating.

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